By Nwadiogo Quartey-Ngwube

What's My Skin Type (and what does it mean)?

Knowing your skin type is a great place to start when looking into creating or changing your skin care regimen. But did you know that your skin type can actually change as you grow older? Knowing what your skin is up to at any given time means you can adjust right along with it, without missing a beat. Have a read through the skin types and find out where you fit (and how to nourish the skin you're in!). 

Oily Skin

When your skin produces too much oil (sebum) your skin typically begins to feel greasy a few hours after washing. Oily skin can be a sign of puberty, an inherited trait, or sometimes just a sign of stress. Another characteristic of this skin type are larger pores. A common reaction to oily skin is to dry it out with harsh synthetics - but this can actually lead your thirsty skin to overproduce oil. Instead, try combatting oil with....oil! Moringa oil mimics the skin's natural sebum production, so it won't clog pores or leave you feeling greasy, and it will stabilize oil production. Washing your face with oil like you would a face wash can feel strange at first, but eventually you (and your skin) will thank you. We recommend our Passion Moringa + Neroli Oil to soothe and nourish oily and sensitive skin. Distilled from the orange blossom in Tunisia, Neroli has some pretty amazing benefits for oily skin (more on that here).  

Dry Skin

Dry skin is the absolute opposite of oily skin. It can feel tight because there is not enough oil on the skin to lock in the moisture your skin needs. Flaking can also be a sign of having dry skin, but having flaky skin does not mean you have dry skin. At its most severe, dry skin can lead to conditions like eczema. Your skin is likely to be less elastic than the other skin types.

Dry skin is common and can be treated by applying humectants before applying oil to seal in moisture. Humectants include moisturizers like aloe that attract water to your skin. We recommend adding our aloe and hibiscus based Balancing Toner to your skincare regimen before sealing in the added moisture with our Tranquility Moringa + Lavender Oil.  

Combination Skin

Combination skin is a combination of oily skin and dry/normal skin. Many people find the skin on their cheeks are dry and their forehead is oily, but this isn’t always the case. If this is your skin type, you may have to care for the different parts of your skin separately - spot treating dry patches with an extra boost of oil. It's important to use both humectants and oils to keep combination skin clear and balanced. We love our Clarifying Toner for combination skin - moringa stimulates healthy cell growth, aloe attracts moisture, and bergamot essential oil keeps you bright and beautiful. 

Normal Skin

Having enough sebum to keep your skin moisturized, but not greasy, all over your face with no variations is called Normal skin. You may have barely visible pores and a smooth complexion - lucky you! Take care of normal skin with a minimalist routine to combat premature aging - using moringa oil, rich in antioxidants to fight the free radicals that cause wrinkles and fine lines and fatty acids to keep your skin healthy and well fed will preserve your well-balanced skin. 

Your skin type is not limited to your face. You may have normal skin throughout your body and oily skin on your face. Or dry skin on certain patches on your arms and normal skin everywhere else. Being aware of this is important so you can figure out the best way to care for yourself and your skin.