
  • Stories from the Field: Roadshow on the Eastern Corridor

    Stories from the Field: Roadshow on the Eastern Corridor

    Volta region is a crossroad between Ghana and Togo, stretching along the Eastern part of the country. Traders cross these imaginary lines called ‘borders’ every day from dawn to dusk. “I am going to Togo!” might mean "I'm headed to a checkpoint just five minutes walk away." The road between Ho, the regional capital, and Kpasa on the map is a straight line connecting Southern Ghana with the North, also known as Eastern Corridor. On the East it tails the smooth Akwapim hills, while overlooking the Volta lake on the West for most of its length. George, our Supply Chain Manager, Francis our Outgrower Manager and I set off...

  • An In-Depth Look At Our Supply Chain and What Makes It Different

    An In-Depth Look At Our Supply Chain and What Makes It Different

    We keep all stages of oil production in Ghana, adding value on site and creating employment opportunities for at-risk populations like rural farmers and urban youth, and reducing our carbon footprint overall.