By Emily Cunningham

Mothers' Day Presents With Moringa

Every year we search for gifts to reflect our gratitude for the greatest gift of all time - life. But since we can’t give life to our mothers, we can give them something else - health. Here’s a day full of pampering you can give your mother with moringa. Not only is moringa nourishing to skin and body, it can easily be incorporated into your diet and self-care routine Here’s how.

Morning Routine

After you let mom sleep in, wake her up to a prepared moringa-powered bath. A well placed bath bomb, scented oils and our Magic black soap is a great day to any morning, even the special ones.

Leave some True Moringa Ultra Light Whipped Body Butter nearby so mom can moisturize after her well-deserved soak.


It’s often said that breakfast is the most important meal of every day, so make sure you fuel up for an activity-fueled Mothers’ Day! Whether it’s Moringa pancakes or a Moringa omelette you can show your mother you care by infusing Moringa into your favorite breakfast recipes!

Home Spa Session

You’ve spent all day running around town meeting friends and hanging out with family. Now mom is tired and needs to wind down. It’s been a fantastic day. You can still squeeze some Moringa in!

Grab some snacks, Moringa tea and find a great spot on your favorite couch or chair. We don’t know of any Moringa movies but you can have a great time in front of the television with a moisturizing foot soak. Just a few drops of Moringa oil in a basin filled with warm water should do the trick. Have some towels ready nearby. If you’re feeling generous you can throw in a foot massage for mom after drying your feet off.

All snacked out, rested up and pampered you can go to bed knowing that Moringa makes a great gift for Mothers’ Day.