· By Nwadiogo Quartey-Ngwube
Moringa Oil for Men
We know many men like to keep their grooming processes down to a minimum, looking good but without the fuss and array of products. We got you covered! Moringa oil can clean your face, treat dry or uneven skin and moisturize all in one bottle. You’re welcome.
Moisten your face with warm water. Then pat moringa oil on your face in the places you want to shave. The oil will lubricate the blades, which will help prevent cuts to your face. After shaving wipe the areas and get ready to cleanse.
Face Cleansing
After shaving get a clean washcloth and bring back your moringa oil. Use warm water to moisten your entire face this time. Massage the moringa oil into your entire face, focusing on the problem areas. Take your washcloth, dampen it with warm water and use it to wipe the oil off of your skin. Ta da! You’re now clean-shaven, clean-faced and well moisturized. Way to kill three birds with one stone!
Beard Gang
As full supporters of the beard gang, we want to say that yes, beard oil is a thing and it’s necessary. Beards deserve care like the hair on our head does, as well as the skin underneath it.
Apply moringa oil to your beard after your face cleanse for easier absorption into your skin and hair. And while you’re at it, if your beard is long enough, run a comb through it. Moringa oil doubles up as a good detangler. They don’t call it the miracle tree for nothing.
So there you have it, at least half of your entire morning routine with one bottle of moringa oil.